Wrzosowa Kraina
Zmiana siedziby biura na adres Chocianów, ul. Trzebnicka 7a-7b, lok. 4/2
Informujemy, że w siedzibie Stowarzyszenia prowadzony jest punkt doradczy dla beneficjentów Lokalnej Strategii Rozwoju na lata 2014-2020. Doradztwo świadczone jest bezpłatnie przez pracowników Biura LGD.
Zapraszamy mieszkańców z obszaru działania LGD Wrzosowa Kraina (1 miasto-Chojnów, 2 gminy miejsko-wiejskie – Przemków i Chocianów , 6 gmin wiejskich – Gromadka, Lubin, Bolesławiec, Chojnów, Miłkowice i Kunice oraz 1 miasto Chojnów) do odwiedzenia punktu doradczego.
Punkt doradczy dla potencjalnych beneficjentów otwarty:
w godzinach: 10.00 - 14.30
Z uwagi na bardzo duże zainteresowanie prosimy o telefoniczną rezerwację terminu.
Uwaga! W celu umówienia spotkania prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny w godzinach pracy biura LGD tel. 76 8184 541 lub kom. 500 206 128 lub za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej biuro@wrzosowakraina.pl
About us
- Szczegóły
- Opublikowano: wtorek, 05, grudzień 2017 18:00
- Odsłony: 6593
The “Heather Land” Local Action Group is a tri-sector partnership consisting of representatives from the public, social and economic sectors. The LAG has developed a program of joint action in the form of a Local Development Strategy (LDS), which describes such thematic areas as improving the quality of life in rural areas, creating non-agricultural jobs, activating the inhabitants and building social capital, and using natural and cultural resources for local development. The implementation of the LDS is supported by European Union funds under the Rural Development Program and by the activity of residents and partners involved in the LAG.
LAG " Heather Land " with its activities covers the area of 8 municipalities and 1 city in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, like as : Gromadka (County Bolesławiec), Lubin (County Lubin), Chojnów (County Legnica), Boleslawiec (County Boleslawiec), Miłkowice (County Legnica), Kunice (County Legnica), Przemków (County Polkowice), Chocianów (County Polkowice) and city Chojnów.
Provincial Office |
2016 - 2020 |
13 617 000 PLN |
Implementation of the Local Development Strategy within the framework of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 |
Provincial Office |
2009-2015 |
9 018 232 PLN |
Implementation of the Local Development Strategy under Axis 4 Leader covered by the Rural Development Program 2007-2013 |
Human Capital Operational Programme |
2014 |
46 116,26 PLN |
„Psycho-social Competences Academy at the School Przemków Part I” |
Human Capital Operational Programme |
2014 |
42 939,46 PLN |
„Leadership Academy in Commune Polkowice, Chocianów, Przemków part I" |
Human Capital Operational Programme |
2014 |
39 948,50 PLN |
„Psycho-social Competences Academy at the School Przemków Part. II" |
Human Capital Operational Programme |
2014 |
44 105,76 PLN |
„Leadership Academy in Commune Polkowice, Chocianów, Przemków part II" |
Commune Bolesławiec |
28.06.2017 |
2 000,00 PLN |
„Conducting the training "Administration fund in practice” |
Municipality Chojnów |
22.05.2017- |
20 000,00 PLN |
Preparation of application documents for the Rural Development Program for the years 2014-2020 within the framework of the project. "The development of the area of the historic park in Chojnów” |
Commune Chocianów |
08.05.2017- |
15 000,00 PLN |
Preparation of application documents for the Rural Development Program for the years 2014-2020 within the framework of the project.. „Construction of playgrounds at Wesoła and Odrodzenia in Chocianów” |
Academy for Development of Philanthropy in Poland / Polish-American Freedom Foundation |
01.08.2017- |
50 000,00 PLN |
Local Action Center- Implementation of the local grant competition within the Local Action Program for the local community "Act Locally VIII” |
Academy for Development of Philanthropy in Poland / Polish-American Freedom Foundation |
01.08.2016- |
50 000,00 PLN |
Local Action Center- Implementation of the local grant competition within the Local Action Program for the local community "Act Locally VIII” |
Lubin Municipal Office |
15.09.2015- |
15 000,00 PLN |
Public assignment - Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Connection of Western and Northern Lands to Poland |
Academy for Development of Philanthropy in Poland / Polish-American Freedom Foundation |
01.08.2015- |
38 000,00 PLN |
Local Action Center- Implementation of the local grant competition within the Local Action Program for the local community "Act Locally VIII” |
Academy for Development of Philanthropy in Poland / Polish-American Freedom Foundation |
01.08.2014- |
38 000,00 PLN |
Local Action Center- Implementation of the local grant competition within the Local Action Program for the local community "Act Locally VIII” |
Human Capital Operational Programme / European Social Fund 2007-2013 |
2014 |
47 905,50 PLN |
Academy of psychosocial competencies |
Human Capital Operational Programme / European Social Fund 2007-2013 |
2014 |
46 493,50 PLN
Academy of psychosocial competencies |
Human Capital Operational Programme / European Social Fund 2007-2013 |
2014 |
38 319,10 PLN
Academy of psychosocial competencies |
Human Capital Operational Programme / European Social Fund 2007-2013 |
2014/2015 |
47 003,52 PLN |
Academy of psychosocial competencies |
Human Capital Operational Programme / European Social Fund 2007-2013 |
2015 |
47 676,60 PLN |
Academy of psychosocial competencies |
Human Capital Operational Programme / European Social Fund 2007-2013 |
2015 |
46 488,50 PLN |
Academy of Young Educators - parent counselor |
Association of Polish-German Youth Cooperation |
2014 |
23 812,78 PLN |
Exchange of Polish-German Youth |
Academy for Development of Philanthropy in Poland / Polish-American Freedom Foundation |
01.08.2013- |
50 000,00 PLN |
Local Action Center- Implementation of the local grant competition within the Local Action Program for the local community "Act Locally VIII” |
Citizens Initiatives Fund / Ministry of Labor and Social Policy |
01.05.2013- |
77 456,39 PLN |
Young entrepreneurial leaders |
Ecorys Polska Sp. z o.o. / Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program Swiss Grant |
01.01.2012- |
156 560,20 PLN |
Citizen’s participation in managing the budget of the municipality for example the management of the municipal funds (FS) |
Provincial Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship |
04.05.2010- |
33 358,37 PLN |
Lower Silesia Consulting and Advisory Point In the Name of Marianna Orańska for non-governmental organizations of the Polkowice county |
Fund of Civic Initiatives |
01.06.2009- |
36 524,00 PLN |
„Forge III Sector” advisory activities , information and training activities for building III sector in Heather Land
Foundation of Assistance Programs for Agriculture / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
19.06.2006- |
780 000,00 PLN |
LEADER Programme + Scheme II „Natural values, cultural and local products, the way to develop the partnership "Heather Land” |
Barbara Sulma - 15 years’ experience in NGO management, qualified human resources specialist, qualified marketing specialist, certified NGO trainer (Silesian School of Trainers), author of strategies for municipalities, counties, and NGOs, creator of Social Economy entities, founder of several foundations and associations, coordinator of the LEADER programme-bottom up approach in the development of the region, In 2010, the coordinator of the Lower Silesian Advisory Center -Advisor for NGOs. Animator of three-sector partnerships. Certified moderator for rural renewal at the Municipal Office Lower Silesian Voivodship, fundraising advisor, and author applications for finance from external funds.
Krzysztof Szustka - higher education in science,14-year experience: moderator of the village renewal of Lower Silesia, Animator Local Partnerships, Non-governmental Trainer, Advisor non-governmental organizations, Animator Theme Villages, The creator of Ecomuseums, Experience in modern methods of field games ie Questing, Geocaching.
Weronika Olszak - higher education in pedagogy, 9 years of experience: Professional Internal Coach, Adviser in Partner Groups, LAG office employee in the position of Project Manager, fundraising advisor, experience in project coordination and implementation of RDP 2007-2013 and RDP 2014-2020.
Sylwia Przybysz - higher education in economics,6 years of experience: Employee of the office as an accounting specialist, fundraising advisor, experience in coordinating projects and implementing RDP 2007-2013 and RDP 2014-2020.
Alicja Słota – higher education in, human resource management, 1.5 years of experience: LAG office employee in the position of Project Manager, Fundraising Advisor, and experience in implementation of the RDP 2014-2020.
Dr Bożena Kuchmacz – PhD in Economics, defense work at the University of Economics in Wroclaw, graduated from the AGH University of Science and Technology in the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - Chemicals direction, a former employee of Ceramic Works "Bolesławiec". Currently the director of the Municipal Center for Culture and Sport, Member of the "Heather Land" Foundation and Association of LAGs. Interests: social capital, local development, non-profit organizations, EU funds.
Andrzej Ruszlewicz – higher education, graduated from the University of Wrocław - Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Life Sciences - 15 years of experience: a specialist in the management of the national economy, expert in the field of preservation of endangered avian species and habitats.
Marek Cieślak – Deputy Director of the Lower Silesian Landscape Park Team, Member of the DL Committee in ODL Kaczawskie Association, Vice President of the Association of Landscape Protection in Bory Lower Silesia, a trained naturalist, Certificate of completion of the training cycle. "Development of Leader Partnerships in South-West Polish Rural Areas".
Anna Marzec – Higher engineering degree in chemistry, a certified environmental and atmospheric specialist, many years of experience in handling and using EU funds supporting Polish entrepreneurship and self-government, 25 years of experience: Head of the department for cooperation of the European External Funds and Rural Development, Head of the Department of Environmental Protection.
Vice-President of the Local Area Action Group "Heather Land" in Chocianów (Participation in the implementation of the Local Development Strategy under the Axis 4 Leader of the RDP 2007-2013 for Chocianów, Lubin, Gromadka, Przemków, Boleslawiec, Chojnów).
Elvan Gazi –Higher Education in Finance and Public Administration, Completion Executive MBA,8 years of experience: as a Team Manager, Senior Financial Analyst, Sourcing Manager. Coordinator for Turkish Erasmus students at Wroclaw University of Economics 2008-2010, translation and organizing events for groups of students who came to Poland with the European Union Leonardo da Vinci Program 2010- 2016, Ambasador of InterNations organization 2011-2016